THAR The Human Aid Resolve

Founder's Message

I wish to express my deep gratitude to the divine blessings of Allah Almighty, entrusting me with the task of establishing THAR – The Human Aid Resolve, a platform designed to offer extensive support to the most underprivileged and marginalized people of our society. The roots of THAR were sown in late 2014, driven by a noble purpose to give back to our community. At that time, I stood alone at the inception of this organization. Hailing from a village in the arid landscapes of Tharparkar, I encountered countless obstacles. However, the dire circumstances of the marginalized people continued to fuel my determination, never allowing me to falter.

This only intensified my resolve to assist the less fortunate, tirelessly pursuing new opportunities in education, livelihood, water and sanitation, women’s empowerment, social and economic well-being through the THAR platform, firmly anchored in ethical values.

Throughout this journey, I learned that with unwavering determination and the dedicated efforts of a selfless and skilled team, we can achieve the seemingly impossible. We incorporated individuals with expertise, committed to realizing the dreams of drought-stricken communities, making them more resilient through sustainable livelihood opportunities and capacity-building programs.

It is obvious that the outstretched helping hand of all stakeholders, particularly philanthropists, donors, friends, and volunteers, has immensely benefited the underprivileged communities in this arid region, who, in return, hold them in their prayers at every moment.

Our journey continues, and a substantial portion of vulnerable populations still awaits our assistance. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our donors, partners, philanthropists, friends, and the dedicated volunteers for their selfless and sincere support to those in need and wishing it would be continued in future too, we also struggling to explore new avenues and opportunities to strengthen the THAR platform to enable it for tirelessly working for marginalized communities.

Muhammad Junejo


THAR The Human Aid Resolve